American press: Internet cable cut in Egypt raises concerns about the security of communications globally .. Iraqi official: Baghdad rejected the request Cairo put $ 4 billion in the Central Bank of Egypt .. Very high-risk move
The Daily Beast that disrupted Internet service in the Middle East because of the three Egyptians to cut your cable Internet, represents a warning to the world about the lack of protection represents lifelines.
The newspaper pointed out that American is hard to say yet whether three divers Egyptians were Almzbbon cut the cable, just stupid or spies or saboteurs. Regardless of the motive, the incident underlines once again how weak secure global communications network.
The newspaper does not exclude the existence of a relationship between cutting the cable that passes in front of the shores of Alexandria and violent protests that took place in the city in recent weeks. She adds that religious extremists are targeting often Internet Bgillm. Has threatened Saudi Arabia shut down Skype and other Internet services.
And warns that if this incident was a coincidence, it is a vision of what terrorists can do on purpose: P 95% of the world's communications pass through cables under the sea. And only 5% via satellite, and these satellites can not compensate for the service if they stop a large part of the cabling infrastructure. For example, more than a trillion dollars of international banking transactions are made through fiber optic cables daily.
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